Site Council
The Site Council is comprised of parents, staff members and the principal. The purpose of the Site Council is to ensure our students’ success by helping advance the District mission through collaborative planning, communications and decision-making. Specifically, site councils are intended to foster continuous improvement of the school’s educational program, blend the values and perspectives of the community, staff, and students in school-wide decisions, and foster effective communication among all stakeholders in the school.
You can direct a concern to the Site Council for consideration by:
- Attending the Site Council meeting.
- Contacting representatives personally. Staff members may be reached via their school emails.
- Emailing your thoughts to the Cascade Ridge Site Council email account at
Site Council Meeting Minutes
- Mar. 7, 2022
- Jan. 10, 2022
- Oct. 25, 2021
- May 24, 2021
- Mar. 8, 2021
- Jan. 11, 2021
- Nov. 2, 2020
- Mar. 2, 2020
- Jan. 6, 2020
- Nov. 4, 2019
Mar. 7, 2022
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, March 7, 2022 4:00pm
Jennifer Sehlin, Madyson Evans, Marilyn Jochim, Kari Perkin, Denise Hsia, Sandra Vanderzee, Navreen Malik, Eva Bernard, Rebecca Duffy, Pamela Kortrey, Qibo Fan
Principal’s Report: Jennifer Sehlin
- Possibility of parents coming in to volunteer for science and art projects. It is a 2 week process to approve once volunteers sign up.
- F&P scores have improved since the fall test scores. There will be another test in April.
- Parent Panel will be held on May 18 – looking for parent volunteers to share experiences
- Levy ballot deadline is April 26
- Mask guidance rules changing – masks are optional in school on March 14
- Community connection zoom meeting on March 18
Building Equity Team Update: Madyson Evans
We have secured a date for a parent panel which will be led by Lorna Gilmour on May 18. We will need 5-6 parent volunteers to be a part of the panel speaking in front of the staff. Our equity team members have all received a copy of Start Here, Start Now: A Guide to Antibias and Antiracist Work in Your School Community, by Liz Kleinrock. During our equity meeting at the end of March, we are going to focus on one of the chapters within the book that discusses how to partner with parents and caregivers around this work. The goal of our team meeting will be to look at strategies and suggestions within the chapter and brainstorm how, as a school, we can start off next year with more communication, partnership, and transparency with the community around EL-16. We will likely have a couple of our members follow through on some of the suggestions this year, so that our team can provide support and examples for staff in the fall, as well as begin that intentional partnership with the CA community.
Staff Reports:
Para Educators: Denise Hsia
In the Building: still following safety guidelines disinfecting hallway table surfaces between kids using them. Encouraging students to use their own supplies and not share.
Lunch: Helping sanitize hands after kids have lunch. Reminding them to put masks back on after they finish eating.
Recess: Still sanitizing recess equipment after each recess. Before Feb break, we had some nicer weather, so kids got to play in the sandbox with some newer toys and they loved it.
Safety Patrol:
We were lucky to have an ISD police officer drop by to help with safety patrol before the break. With his presence, it helped a bit with slowing the traffic speed. I expressed the need for his presence in the morning, so he will try to be avail for us more often.
Kari Perkin - K-2nd grade update
- Reading: I can sequence story pictures and describe the relationship between illustration and story
- Writing: I can use transition words such as: First, Next, Then, Last
- Math: I can use a number bond to show a math story
- SEL: I can know when to tell a grown up that I need help and I can learn when to problem solve independently. Ms. Massey was our guest speaker.
- Social Studies: I can learn and apply skills from the book My Mouth is a Volcano. I can determine when to talk and when to listen without “erupting”.
First Grade:
- Reading: working on our F&P assessments, seeing lots of growth, continuing with Words Their Way practice, continuing Heggerty practice
- Writing: We are finishing our Information unit and will begin Opinion writing.
- Math: Also getting ready to finish Module 2 and take the next EOM assessment and will begin Module 3
- Science: Working through the Light and Sound unit, kids are having fun doing the hands on activities learning about shadows
- SEL: We just finished having Mrs. Ackley and Mrs. Massey come in to teach specific skill lessons (for example, how to accept when someone says no)
- Extras: Had lots of fun celebrating Lunar New year, 100th Day of School and Valentine’s Day!
Second Grade:
- Reading: F&P Assessments, Learning about Non-fiction Text Features, Weekly Making Meaning Stories, Small, Guided Reading Groups
- Word Word-Words Their Way-daily phonics instruction-individual work, partner work, small group w teacher. Some students have Really Great Reading Support
- Math-Finishing up Module 5 and starting Module 6 on ¾
- Writing-All About Non-fiction Writing. Next up will be Opinion Writing
- Social Studies-Goods and Services, Producers and Consumers
- SEL-Second Step-Problem Solving
- Celebrations-Black History Month, Lunar New Year, MLK Jr. Day=
Marilyn Jochim - 3rd - 5th grades
Third Grade:
We have just finished testing students independently to determine their new Fountas and Pinnell reading level. Our comprehension focus is determining important ideas through fiction and expository nonfiction and asking questions to clarify understanding. Next, students have started learning about opinion writing. They will learn how to write a bold thesis statement about one of their own personal opinions and support their claim with evidence. They will also learn how to organize and develop a well-written opinion paper and take it through the writing process. The math focus is fractions. Some of the skills we are working on are comparing fractions, ordering fractions based on size, placing fractions on the number line, and recognizing equivalent fractions. In science students continue to be biomimicry engineers as they explore the structure and traits of animals to see why different organisms are more likely to survive or less likely to survive in an environment. Students will use their newfound understanding of how the traits of organisms affect the organisms’ survival to help the engineering firm design a robot that aims to mitigate the effect of an environmental change.
Fourth Grade:
In reading, 4th grade is analyzing non-fiction structures and exploring text features. Students are learning how to elaborate on their thinking. We are also reviewing inferring with both fiction and non-fiction. 4th grade is about halfway through our informational writing unit. Students are currently drafting chapters, and learning how to provide evidence, facts, quotes, and ideas into their writing using transitions that are specific to their writing structure. Once students have finished drafting their chapters, they will begin publishing using Book Creator. 4th grade is currently in Module 5 for math which all about fractions. Students are learning how to add, subtract, and compare fractions and expand their mathematical vocabulary and explanations. We are starting the last social studies unit which is all about Washington State today and industries in Washington. We are continuing our social/emotional learning throughout Second Step curriculum and the support of in-class lessons with Mrs. Ackley and Mrs. Massey.
Fifth Grade:
5th graders are busy! In reading, we wrapped up a debate unit where students debated different topics such as “should we boycott zoos?” or “should plastic be banned?”. The students did a wonderful job participating in their debates. This week we started a Graphic Novel Reading Workshop unit that the district provides. The students are very excited to read and participate in book clubs. In writing, students just completed their first persuasive essay on the question: “Should chocolate milk be served in schools?”. Next up, students will write on another debatable topic of their choice. In math, we are working hard on multiplying and dividing fractions. Before mid-winter break, we wrapped up our Modeling Matter science unit. Students took on the role of a food scientists and completed multiple investigations, simulations, and readings to figure out how to create the best salad dressing. Next up, we began our second unit in Social Studies which is about the events that led up to the American Revolution. Students will take on the role of families who live in Boston during this period.
4th/5th Science Tech:
We have been working hard on math, reading, writing, science, and SEL. In writing, we have been writing personal and persuasive essays, as well as informational writing. In reading, we’ve been picking out just right books, as well as research strategies and presentation/public speaking skills. Along with that, we have also been working on how to read nonfiction books. In math, we’ve been working hard on the next two modules of Eureka. In science, we have been learning about Earth's Features and weather. In SEL, we’ve been covering empathy, kindness, problem solving, and how to manage big emotions. Additionally, we have been doing some science lessons about animal and environment conservation, Washington agriculture, and the ocean. We have been busy building many models in the classroom and will soon be virtually visited by a guest speaker to talk about oceanography.
PTSA Update: Qibo Fan
- Eager Reader was very successful
- Approved two staff coyote grants
- Planning for future Science Fair (week of March 21) and Festival of Cultures (week of April 25)
New Business:
1. Jennifer brought up that there has been some discussions about diversity and sensitive topics amongst the parent community. Could be a need for revising the school’s mission statement for next year.
Adjourn: Next meeting: May 16 4:00pm
*Staff and PTSA report info will be included in minutes
Jan. 10, 2022
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, January 10, 2022 4:00pm
Jennifer Sehlin, Madyson Evans, Marilyn Jochim, Kari Perkin, Pat Corra, Denise Hsia, Eva Bernard, Rebecca Duffy, Sandra Vanderzee, Navreen Malik, Pamela Kortrey, Qibo Fan
Rebecca motions to approve minutes and Marilyn Jochim seconded.
Principal’s Report – SIP Plan
- covers academic topic generally
- looks at scores of the school and writing goals around the scores
- this year school was given the option to do either a 3 year cycle or to write a one year goal to get back on feet after last year’s unique year. School opted for one year goal to get a sense of how things are going before they committed to a 3 year plan
- used data from counselor to address social-emotional needs of kids returning to school
- CRE being a pilot school for in-school lunch helped us with engagement measurement
- Academic portion – a continuation of previous literacy goals using data from SBA, students took the SBA of their previous year, no performance tasks, but just took a shortened version
- this year’s i-Ready scores are new data, saw a little bit of dip in math scores
- strong kindergarten readiness scores
- yellow/pink is a goal that was set previously
- next fall there will be a solid year of SBA and i-Ready scores so there will be more data to create a new 3 year goal and plan
Pat Corra – LAP (Learning Assistance Program) Plan
- SIP and LAP plan go hand in hand to assist students
- Pat Corra is the reading foundations teacher for the school (there is one for every school in the district)
- Pat has been at the school since it opened and is part time
- Needs Assessment, Identification, Practices and Strategies and (all decided by school district)
- every school’s plan is exactly the same so all schools supporting kids in the same way
- i-Ready test is the screener (started from State Legislator coming up with new law)
- if you fall below standard in any way so all students are getting what they need in reading grade levels
- Family Engagement Plan is just Cascade Ridge, but because of COVID, can’t do the events that they normally have so Pat has a website with extra resources and that is on Clever for kids who need it
- if students show up as needing more help on i-Ready, they get help through Pat, there are levels are watching and catching
- Pat needs all of Site Council to sign in person, Jennifer will sign on behalf of non-staff attending the meeting
Grade Level Updates
Kari Perkin
We are beginning i-Ready reading Testing next week. Then the following week will be i-Ready Math. We are doing an overall Habitat unit on the Arctic Regions, Studying sequencing and retell through the mentor text The Snowy Day. For non-fiction comprehension we are studying the mentor text Snow. We are on Heggerty week 16, and unit 4 We Are Writers unit for Benchmark phonics (short o and letters t and n). On the last week of lessons for Module 3 Math (weights and measurement unit) and wrapping up the Show and Tell (narrative writing unit) in Writer's Workshop.
First Grade:
Reading: We are continuing with Heggerty, Words Their Way (about to take the second assessment and we are curious to see how students improve), and Making Meaning (we’re starting our Nonfiction unit to go along with writing).
Writing: We did a poetry unit before break and had fun being creative writing poetry. We are starting our next writing unit on Information writing where students will be writing chapter books about a topic they know a lot about.
Math: We are half way through Module 2 and will be taking the mid module assessment in the next week or so.
Science: Learning about different defenses that plants and animals use and having fun creating models of these defenses.
Social Studies: We took a “trip” around the world learning about some winter holidays celebrated in different countries. We learned about Diwali, Hanukkah, Las Posadas and Christmas. We will continue our trip next month to learn about Lunar New Year and Ramadan.
SEL: We have had Mrs. Ackley and Mrs. Massey come to our classrooms to teach social and friendship skills to students.
Second Grade:
We are glad to back with our students, we missed them! To start the year we will be reviewing The Coyote Code and expectations. Next, We were are doing the i-Ready Reading Diagnostic Second Assessment, 1-11-14 is Second Grade Hi Cap Testing, Words their Way Spelling Inventory #2 will also be completed. After High Cap we will give the i-Ready Math Diagnostic #2.
Reading-Our Making Meaning Unit is Wondering about Fiction, we will also explore non-fiction text features.
Writing-We will start All About Books-Non-fiction Writing.
Math-Eureka Module 4 addition and subtraction of 3 and 4 digit number with and without regrouping. We are also having students work on fact fluency and multi-step word problems.
SEL-Calm Down Strategies, Also, Mrs. Massey just completed a 3 lesson friendship unit with the second graders.
Science-Plant and Animal Relationships.
Social Studies-Martin Luther King Jr., Black History Month, Lunar New Year, President’s Day are upcoming. Prior to break we learned about Diwali, Hanukah and Christmas.
Finally, second graders enjoyed participating in Hour of Code.
Marilyn Jochim
Third Grade:
We will continue with building nonfiction reading skills. Two assessments that we will be administering this month are the Words Their Way Inventory and the i-Ready Diagnostic.
Students will be using multiplication to figure out problems related to area. The i-Ready Diagnostic Test #2 will also be given to measure student growth in math since September.
Students have selected a topic of interest and are in the beginning stages of writing an informational report that includes an introduction, 3 chapters, and a conclusion. They will learn about different text structures and text features to integrate into their writing. Students will use Book Creator for publishing their final draft.
Second Step:
Students will learn the following concepts:
It’s important to take responsibility when you’ve made a mistake. You can use belly breathing to calm down. Calming down helps you handle accusations calmly and thoughtfully.
Negative self-talk can make strong feelings even stronger. Positive self-talk can be a calming strategy.
Setting a new goal and making a plan to achieve it are positive ways to handle disappointment.
Social Studies:
Students will be reading their self – selected, good - fit biography book on a notable American. They are using a graphic organizer for note taking and will write a summary about the life of the notable American they have chosen.
Fourth Grade:
4th grade is focusing on reading expository non-fiction texts, and functional texts. Students learn how to identify and analyze structure and features within that genre. 4th graders will start the informational writing unit by writing about a topic they are an expert on so that they can learn about the different text structures, introductions, and conclusions. Later, they will write about a historical topic that they will begin researching towards the end of January. In math, 4th grade is wrapping up the module focused on multiplication and division. The next unit will focus on fractions. 4th grade is also wrapping up their second science unit focused on Earth's changing features. Finally, students in 4th grade are learning about emotion management and relearning classroom expectations as we get into this new year.
Fifth Grade
5th grade was busy in the month of December. In Math, we wrapped up Module 2 which was all about multiplication and division and now we began Module 3 which is about fractions. In Writing, we concluded our informational unit. Students used the newly acquired Book Creator app to create a digital book about their topic. They really enjoyed using the application that the school recently purchased with tech funds. In Reading, we finished our Nonfiction Unit. Students created a project showing everything they learned during the unit. We also did a Story About My Name project right before break. Students shared the story behind how they were names and/or what their name means. We learned so much about each other. Next up we will be researching debatable topics and participating in verbal debates. Before break, we also participated in Hour of Code by completing some coding on as well as completing an unplugged activity where the students had to build a gum drop tower that could hold a book. It was a lot of fun! We finished our first Science Unit, Patterns of Earth and Sky. We had a PTSA funded virtual field trip with the Pacific Science Center where we visited their planetarium. It was great and the kids learned a lot and were engaged. We are excited to begin our next Science unit on Matter because it has a lot of hands-on activities. In SEL, our school counselor, Ms. Massey, taught us how to challenge and reframe negative thinking patterns. Overall it was a great month of 5th grade!
Science Tech
We have been working hard on math, reading, writing, science, and SEL. In writing, we have been writing realistic fiction. We are not moving into writing personal opinion writing. In reading, we’ve been picking out just right books and talking about comprehension and fluency strategies. We also read the books "Tiger Rising" and "How to Steal a Dog" to take a deeper look at character traits. In math, we’ve been working hard on the first two modules of Eureka. In science, we have been learning about animal senses and how they help animals to survive. In SEL, we’ve been covering empathy, kindness, recognizing/reporting bullying, listening attentively, and friendship issues. Additionally, we have been doing some science lessons about the ecosystems, endangered animals, and conservation. We had a guest speaker come talk about the local Kokanee salmon and what we can do to help protect them. We also partnered with the City of Sammamish to create community vision projects.
Denise Hsia – Paraeducators
- paras are doing well, helped to clear the snow and ice after the winter break snow
- staff are enforcing kids putting their masks back on after they eat
- ISD put out new e-news about new COVID guidelines adopting CDC guidelines
- Question about guidelines on distancing requirement
- schools are now allowing to face kids to be faced towards each other in class and not just forward
- the close contact is during lunches when masks are off so staff is reinforcing putting masks back on after eating
- after travel quarantine is up to parents, no requirements from school
Madyson Evans – Building Equity Team
- new members have joined the Equity team, brought up feedback after meeting with Sandra and Qibo and talked to staff about how to make holiday celebrations more inclusive
- will be following up with staff who are also on teams such as PBSES to make sure equity practices are practiced throughout school
- staff attended Rosetta Lee training on cultural competency
- upcoming equity meeting on Wednesday will continue work on how to bridge the gap from work done by staff and asking parents for input
- a lot of the work is understanding the needs of the community and its changing dynamics
- Sandra and Qibo to hold more meetings with Parent Equity Group and will share info
PTSA Update
- Dec 17 Holiday Light event well attended
- Eager Reader to start on Jan 17
- Staff Breakfast was provided by PTSA before the break, and will be continued into the new year
- Nominating Committee is formed and will be meeting to decide new board for next year
Next meeting: March 7 4:00pm
Oct. 25, 2021
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, October 25, 2021 4:00pm Minutes
Jennifer Sehlin, Marilyn Jochim, Madyson Evans, Kari Perkin, Debbie Hsia, Debi Courage, Sandra Vanderzee, Loretta Brownlee, Navreen Malik, Eva Bernard, Rebecca Duffy, Qibo Fan
Site Council Overview and Introductions - Qibo Fan
Site councils are established at each school to collaborate with the principal on how to advance student learning through strong shared planning, communication and problem solving.
Site Council provides a forum for the principal, staff and parents to discuss concerns and events that affect student learning. Site Council’s job is to enhance student learning by supporting the school’s Continuous Improvement Plan and also work on updating school rules and other matters that affect the learning environment at Cascade Ridge.
Site Council includes the principal, staff, parents and community representatives. An annual meeting calendar is established at the beginning of the year and is published on the Cascade Ridge Website. All parents and community members are welcome to attend.
Principal’s Report: Jennifer Sehlin
COVID protocols in place have been working well. Recess is now opened, and no more zones for grades. There has been only one COVID case at school and that originated outside of the school – no close contacts. It has been a difficult start to the year socially and emotionally. Kids are not used to being in school, but they are doing well with the new routines. They are still working on building their stamina and following directions.
Staff Reports
Debi Courage - Office Staff
We are so happy to welcome students back in our building this school year! We really appreciate the support our parents are providing in keeping our students and staff safe. I’ve really enjoyed getting to meet the parents and students as a new “Coyote” staff member. Some of our areas of concern are parents checking out their students for early dismissal which seems to be becoming more frequent. The office then needs to interrupt the classroom, sometimes more than once, to check a child out. In addition, there have been late student pickups after dismissal especially on Wednesdays. Just a friendly reminder that dismissal on Wednesdays is 1:30pm.
Denise Hsia – Para Educators
- Introduce our Paras for this school year
- Our duties
- Patrol safety. Is there any way to get the city to install a blinking lights for crossing at North crossing? (Glencoe/Condo) Like the one at Main Trossachs.
Kari Perkin - K-2nd
Kindergarten Current Studies:
- Reading: I can compare and contrast experiences of characters. I can identify similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic.
- Writing: I can draw people and write a sentence about my picture.
- Math: I can arrange, count and compare numerals 6-9. I can utilize a 5-group mat.
- Soc. ST.: I can listen to directions.
- SEL: I can use self-talk and be assertive.
- Science: I can learn about plant life-cycles.
- What a fun time we are having with our Farm Unit. We have focused on plants and next week we will focus on tractors and tools as we implement ideas on Pushes and Pulls.
First Grade Current Studies:
- Reading: We are continuing to give the F&P assessment. We have started our Success Blocks Or Word Study time using Words Their Way. We are also working on maintaining reading stamina of 20 minutes. We’re starting our unit on making connections in Making Meaning.
- Writing: We are working on writing Small Moments
- Math: We are about half way through our first Module.
- Social Studies: Learning about families.
- Art: Lots of fall art projects with pumpkins and leaves.
Second Grade Current Studies:
- Reading: Making Meaning Unit 2 Making Connection, We have started our Success Blocks, Words Their Way differentiated groups and guided reading groups.
- Writing: Small Moment Personal Narrative Stories, including action, dialogue, feelings and transition words
- Math: We have given two end of unit assessments. We are now on Module 3, Place Value.
- Social Studies: Citizenship, government, rights, & responsibilities
- Art: Fall/seasonal drawing and painting activities
- Health: Germs & Being Honest and Telling the Truth
Marilyn Jochim - 3rd - 5th grades
Third grade is starting math Module 2 which has plenty of hands-on experiences using a variety of tools to build practical measurement skills and conceptual understanding of metric and time units. Students are also telling time using an analog clock. We continue to practice fact fluency and work on mastering multiplication facts. Students will be learning to make inferences in their reading by using the clues in the text along with their own experiences to help them figure out what is not directly stated. They will also be learning to use evidence from the text to support their thinking. Another reading skill we are working on is identifying story elements and diagraming a story’s plot. Students are working on refining the narrative small moment they have selected to take through the writing process. They are learning how to develop a strong lead and draft their story with details by expanding each part- telling the story bit by bit.
4th grade is working on analyzing characters and identifying evidence when reading. Within their realistic fiction writing, students are learning how to add descriptive detail that shows the important parts of the story in a way that creates a picture in their reader’s mind. In math, 4th grade is wrapping up their first unit focused on addition and subtraction, as well as modeling and explaining their thinking. Students will be starting the second unit which focuses on converting between units of measurement, and quickly move to the third unit which is focused on multiplication and division. 4th grade is also learning about Washington’s earliest people - focusing on traditions, values, and ways natural resources were/are used. Finally, students in 4th grade are relearning procedures for being in school buildings, building classroom community, and practicing opportunities for independence and growth mindset throughout each day.
5th grade took the 4th grade Smarter Balanced Assessment this week. We also are wrapping up our first unit in Social Studies. The unit answered the question, Was America the land of opportunity during the colonial period. We looked at this question from different perspectives. In reading we are wrapping up our first unit on Realistic Fiction Unit. Students learned how to identify story elements, themes and write a summary. They also participated in book club discussions. Next up is a non-fiction unit. In writing we are in the middle of our personal narrative unit. Students learned how to include the heart of the story as well as have strong beginnings and endings. In Math, we just finished up in Module 1 and will begin Module 2 this week. Module 1 was all about place value and a little bit of work with decimals. Module 2 is the largest module of the year. We will do some multiplication and division. In SEL, we have been focusing on respect, how to identify feelings and how to be assertive.
PTSA Report: Qibo Fan
- Successful fall fundraiser raised $22,000
- Reflections deadline: Nov 2
- PTSA fundraiser at Chipotle – Nov 17
- Organizing new family meetups and raising awareness about benefits of PTSA
- Holiday Gift Barn gift card collection upcoming
- Book Fair coming up
New Business:
- Madyson Evans - Inclusivity/Equity Practices; Review of EL16, Review of Building Equity Team & Goals
- This year we have a Building Equity Team made up of 14 people who will review EL16 (Executive Limitations) from the District. Thus far, they have had two team meetings. There are 3 goals:
- Staff goals – to identify barriers that keep kids from reaching their goals
- Continue to support the growth of all groups
- student goals – collect pieces of art, writing, and verbal stories and backgrounds of students
- community goals – create a parent panel to enable discussions, and put together a parent survey (librarian is helping with this)
- Staff goals – to identify barriers that keep kids from reaching their goals
Next meeting: January 10 4:00pm
May 24, 2021
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, May 24, 2021 4:00pm
- In attendance: Jennifer Sehlin, Kate McConnell, Becky Quinton, Marilyn Jochim, Debbie Job, Sandra Vanderzee, Rebecca Duffy, Qibo Fan, Pamela Hohman, Navreen Malik, Loretta Brownlee
- Welcome
- Principal’s Report:
- Jennifer Sehlin
- Biggest thing right now is K-3 pilot with lunch and at school until 2:30
- Learning experience for Cascade Ridge and the district
- Was able to get into all classes (remote and in-person) to read and see how everyone was doing
- Big things coming up
- 5th grade Castoff and Drive Through Certificate Pickup on 6/15
- School Drive Through from 2:30 on 6/16
- Last day of school 6/17 with 11:30 dismissal
- Waiting to learn more about what next year will look like
- How are teachers handling curriculum next year?
- Beginning of the year assessments will give teachers a handle on where everyone is at
- Data from assessments will be used to guide instruction and curriculum pacing
- Biggest thing right now is K-3 pilot with lunch and at school until 2:30
- Jennifer Sehlin
- New Business:
- Year-End Report Card
- Due to the district 6/12
- Spent time revising and adding to report card
- Year-End Report Card
- Adjourn:
- Thank you so much for your input on this year’s Site council
*Staff/PTSA report info will be included in minutes
Mar. 8, 2021
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, March 8, 2021 4:00pm
In attendance:
Jennifer Sehlin, Kate McConnell, Raelyn McKnight, Marilyn Jochim, Debbie Job, Pat Corra, Sandra Vanderzee, Qibo Fan, Eva Bernard, Loretta Brownlee, Navreen Malik, Rebecca Duffy, Pamela Hohman
Principal’s Report: Jennifer Sehlin
- Feels great having K-3 back in the building
- Things are going well so far –
- Frequent communication with remote teachers – Hoping to drop into remote classes in the next few weeks
- Presented SIP to School Board – Went well
- Materials Distribution Wednesday
- Will hopefully welcome back 4th and 5th grade in a couple weeks – Dependent on COVID numbers and bargaining with labor unions
LAP Report:
Pat Corra – Reading teacher
- Learning assistance program – State-funded reading program to support K-3rdstudents who have fallen behind
- Some schools also have LAP for math
- LAP plan – Has already been approved
- Reading support system for small groups – Try to stay under 4
- Provide opportunities for phonics, reading, and writing
- Provides a second dose of reading instruction to help catch students up
- Students selected by teacher recommendation, Fountas and Pinnell reading scores
- When students are selected, permission slip sent home
- 30-minute reading classes – Work with teacher to find 30 minute block where students will not miss any new instruction
- This year added Heggerty phonics program to help students who may have some dyslexia
- Goal is to build confidence, give foundational skills students need, and help students find joy in reading
New Business:
Jennifer/ Open forum for general discussion
- Have you heard any feedback on how we can improve both in remote and hybrid in-person learning?
- Rebecca Duffy – Saw smiling faces on first couple of days, child thriving in remote, concern: will we all be back in school next year?
- Can’t answer if we will be back next year – waiting on guidance from government and OSPI
- Pamela Hohman – Kids feel like their teacher knows them, kids going back to school excited, the connection and collaboration with kids has gotten better
- Teachers received PD on how to create connection and give opportunities for students to collaborate
- Loretta Brownlee – Remote going well, teachers are making the transition as smooth as they can, almost like the start of the school year, building community, setting expectations
- Teachers are figuring out ways for students to collaborate in-person while still maintaining distance
- Sandra Vanderzee – Will the kids who are in school have an equitable experience to kids who are remote?, Art – Everyone really wants art
- Could we do an Art Hub-type activity during lunch?
- Some teachers teaching art once a week or regularly
- Teachers trying to think of projects ahead of time so they can send art supplies home for kids to use
- PTSA has supplies teachers could use
- Could encourage teachers to work in assessments that allow students to use different learning styles
- Will discuss at Leadership Team on Thursday
- With the loss of synchronous specialists, some students are struggling and having more art will help fuel them to the end of the year
- Qibo Fan – Hybrid has been great, extroverted 3rd grader is much happier being in class even if distanced
- Navreen Malik – student is remote, transition has gone well, huge change, moving from smaller class size to larger class is not easy on students or teachers, not an easy situation, science is suffering
- New science curriculum this year
- Social studies was taught at the beginning of the year
- Teachers are just now starting to teach science – Will teach for the rest of the year
- Teachers just received PD on the new curriculum
- District had to make the curriculum remote-friendly
- Will probably be part of the afternoon work for students who are in-person hybrid
- Rebecca Duffy – Saw smiling faces on first couple of days, child thriving in remote, concern: will we all be back in school next year?
- It would be great if parents could encourage other parents to say their goodbyes at the gates and avoid coming into the courtyards
- In the communication to parents, could you include that the school is gated and other safety measures to ensure that students will be safe and get to their line?
Staff Reports
Raelyn McKnight
- Kindergarten
- We are in our Rainforest Unit! We are learning about the habitat/ecosystem, plants & plant parts, animals and human impact.
- Science: We just started the new Amplify Science curriculum about living and non-living things.
- Math: We are in Module 4 and focusing on all things number bonds and decomposing numbers through 10.
- Writing: We are doing “How to” writing.
- Reading: We are focusing on comparing similar texts and sequencing parts of the story. We also just went through word families, and are now focusing in on digraphs.
- SEL: With kindergarten returning to school, we are reviewing how to be a student, building stamina and staying focused.
- 1st Grade
- We were excited to welcome many of our first graders back into the building, and it is going great! We have spent the last couple of weeks getting to know our new classes, and doing a lot of relationship building.
- Reading: We are working on making connections to non-fiction books, and identifying the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. We are also focusing on vowel patterns for phonics.
- Writing: We just launched our Opinion writing unit! Students are writing all about their favorite things.
- Math: We are finishing up Module 3 in math, which is all about practicing standard and non-standard measurement, data graphing, and analyzing/answering questions about measurement comparisons and graph information.
- Science: We began the new science curriculum called, Amplify Science. Our first unit is about Plant and Animal Defenses.
- SEL: We are working on how to respond to strong emotions. Some of the ways we can do this is by stopping to name our feeling, and then choosing a strategy like belly breathing or self-talk to manage our feelings.
- 2nd Grade
- We are enjoying and getting to new our new classes doing lots of relationship/community building, review of routines and expectations.
- Reading: We are working on wondering about expository nonfiction. We are also encouraging use of Lexia.
- Writing: We are in our Opinion unit, starting with book reviews then will move into general opinions for topics of interest.
- Math: We are in Mid Mod 5 in Eureka strategies for 3 digit + and – with regrouping. Lots of word problem solving. Encouraging the use of i-Ready and Zearn.
- Science: Will start Amplify new curriculum March 15th learning about plant and animal relationships.
- SEL: We are working on problem solving Steps for exclusion.
Marilyn Jochim
- 3rd Grade
- This month’s focus in reading is main/important ideas with supporting details. We kicked off March with learning about opinion writing. Students will learn how to write a bold thesis statement about one of their own personal opinions and support their claim with evidence. Math Module 5 has students extend and deepen their knowledge with equal shares to understanding fractions as equal partitions of a whole. Students will begin learning about inheritance and traits in Chapter 1 of our new science curriculum by studying the variation in wolves. Students will assume the role of a wildlife biologist solving the mystery of how one wolf got some traits that are similar to, and some that are quite different from those of the rest of its pack.
- 4th Grade
- In Reading, the students are learning about text structures. They are identifying these structures in their non-fiction reading, and are then practicing them in writing. We have started our informational unit in writing, so the students are learning to research, take notes, synthesize information, and then use that information to write chapters in their historical fiction books. In Math, we are studying fractions. We are all excited about starting our new Science curriculum, and have begun unit one. On March 17th, we will welcome Mrs. Evans back from maternity leave, and we thank Ms. Pomerleau for her dedication to the students in Madyson’s absence.
- 5th Grade
- We started new units in all curriculum (including starting new science) last week. To support our science unit, we are inviting the Pacific Science Center to walk us through a planetarium virtual field trip this month. We have done a few “all 5th grade” art activities this winter, and plan to do another this month as well.
- SciTech
- In reading, students have been working on argument/opinion reading and debating, including reading articles as skeptical researchers. Students are practicing researching on different sides of a topic and then collaborating with classmates to form an argument to debate, based on their research. In writing, students are finishing up informational writing and creating Sways (using Microsoft Sway).We are about to start opinion writing, utilizing the knowledge students have just gained as opinion readers. In Science, we have begun the new Amplify unit on Patterns of Earth and Sky. Students are working as astronomers to learn about objects in the sky, their sizes and distances. In 4th grade math, we are hard at work with fractions: modeling fractions, finding equivalent fractions, ordering and comparing fractions, and soon adding and subtracting fractions. In 5th grade math, we are also working with fractions: adding and subtracting fractions & mixed numbers and finding common denominators. In SEL, we have been talking about strong emotions and managing our strong emotions with steps for calming down.
Debbie Job
- Through January and the first part of February paras continued doing a variety of tasks as Sue has reported in the past. On February 11th it was very exciting to welcome back many of our kinders and 1st graders (and 2nd/3rd grade on March 4th), however three of our paras are now on leave through the remainder of the year and one other on an extended leave. Three new paras have been hired, one starting this past week and the other two hopefully within the next two weeks.
- Paras are staying very busy setting up for snack/recess time, helping check in students in the morning, crosswalks, supervising snack and recess, supporting teachers throughout the morning and helping anywhere in the building where there is a need. All while continuing with the same tasks as before.
- Paras continue transcribing the teacher’s words on the Great Kid cards and preparing the envelopes for mailing each week.
- Preparing materials, filling the bags for each grade level and giving bags out on distribution day.
- Working with Ms. Moore to prepare and distribute library books on a weekly basis, until the last couple weeks when library pick-up changed and we have been short a few paras.
- Preparing materials for teachers as needed, copying, laminating, etc.
PTSA Report
- Spring Fundraiser – Passive fundraiser coming out soon
- Science Week coming – Students getting science kit at materials distribution Wednesday
- If teachers could promote, that would be great
- Book Fair happening until March 14th
- Festival of Cultures coming at end of April
Next meeting May 3rd – 4:00 p.m.
*Staff/PTSA report info will be included in minutes
Jan. 11, 2021
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, January 11, 2021 4:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Sandra Vanderzee, Jennifer Sehlin, Kate McConnell, Raelyn McKnight, Marilyn Jochim, Sue Ducharme, Tammie Kourtis, Ava Bernard, Rebecca Duffy, Qibo Fan, Pamela Hohman, Navreen Malik
- Sandra Vanderzee
- New Meeting Format – More of a conversation
Principal’s Report: Jennifer Sehlin
- Great return from break
- Materials distribution last week – Went well, very little left to pick up
- Last week parents were asked to complete commitment survey
- Preparing for students to return to building – No date set at this time
- Information will be sent out to parents that goes over building COVID procedures prior to students returning to building
Staff Reports:
Raelyn – K-2
- Kindergarten: This month we are studying the Arctic-plants, animals, habitats. We are learning about adaptations, how animals survive, plants, plant parts and human impact. In reading, we are focusing on word families, site words and reading strategies. Math we are learning about one-to-one correspondence, fewer than/more than. In writing, we started pattern books.
- 1st grade: For phonics, we are working on digraphs and vowel patterns. In reading, we are focusing on non-fiction text features and asking wondering questions. In writing, we just started our Information Unit where students pick a topic to teach about. In math, we are working on subtraction from teen numbers in Module 2 of Eureka. In social studies, we are learning about "Our World" and learning about each continent. Lastly, for SEL we are focusing on empathy and compassion.
- 2nd grade: SS-History of Issaquah and the affects settlement had on the indigenous peoples of the area, Math-2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction w regrouping-Midway through Mod 4 in Eureka, Making Meaning-Wondering for Fiction Text. Also, non-fiction text features and how they help us as readers. Second Step-Calm Down Strategies, Writing-Non-fiction All about Books, kids picking topics they are “experts” on.
Marilyn – 3-5
- 3rd grade: Through reading students are learning about text structures and features. They will apply their learning to our new writing unit. Students will be selecting a topic of interest to write an informational report. We are focusing on the big idea of Geography of North America in Social Studies. Also, we have started doing reading buddies with anther 3rd grade classroom so kids can spend virtual time with friends while practicing reading skills.
- 4th grade: We have wrapped up our unit on opinion writing and module 3 in math. The students are enjoying learning about the Lewis and Clark expedition in Social Studies. We have each launched a short creative writing unit that will be 2 weeks long. The students will be creating an on-going creative writing project in their Bare Books. Madyson welcomed her baby girl in November, and will be returning mid-March.
- 5th grade: We are moving ahead with new units in all subjects. Students will take the i-Ready diagnostic math test next week. We are using the social studies-integrated art lessons created by Karen Harmon at TLS. One class will be field testing new word study curriculum (2 different programs), and two classes are beginning Words Their Way word study as an additional piece of our literacy program.
- Science Tech: In literacy, we have been working on reading and writing non-fiction, information texts. We have been talking about text structures and author’s purpose. In social studies, we have been learning about the American Revolution and colonial life. Students are taking part in colonial families and businesses, in our very own colonial Boston town. In science we have been discussing and learning about the biotic and abiotic parts of the ecosystem. We also have been working with the engineering design process and students have taken part in engineering challenges. Before break, students utilized robotics technology (Microbits and Makey Makeys) along with the EDP, to design a system or creation that could solve a problem. In 4th grade math, we are working on large digit multiplication and division, as well as multiples, factors, prime, and composite numbers. In 5th grade math, we are working on multiplying and dividing decimals, and reasoning about the placement of the decimal. In SEL we have been reviewing our Coyote Code, talking about disagreeing respectfully, kindness, stress, digital citizenship and friendship issues.
Sue – Paras
- Paras are helping with Great Kids by transcribing the teacher's words on the Great Kid cards and preparing the envelopes for mailing each week.
- Preparing the materials and putting them in the bags for the monthly materials distribution. Greeting families and giving them their bags in the drive through pick-up on distribution day.
- Working with Ms. Moore to prepare and distribute library books on a weekly basis.
- Zooming daily to support teachers in classrooms.
- Preparing materials for teachers as needed, copying, laminating etc.
- Organizing book rooms
- Paras are keeping very busy!!!
- Tammie – Support Staff
- Office staff supporting staff and teachers anyway they can
- Preparing for kids to return to building
PTSA Report:
- Sandra Vanderzee
- WhatsApp Group
- About 80 families in it so far
- Has a lot of questions and good conversations
- Upcoming Events – All virtual
- Talent show
- Science Fair
- Book Fair
- General membership meeting 1/14 at 6:30
- Family connection coffee chat 1/27 – One in the morning, one in evening
- This month will have a social/emotional focus
- Families can go to both or choose one or the other
New Business:
- Parent Survey – Jennifer
- Student Engagement Survey
- 3rd – 5th grade students took this survey in class
- Taken by about 250 students
- A lot to celebrate
- Students are generally perceiving that remote learning is going well
- Students feel supported, feel like they are receiving timely feedback, and learning a lot
- Lowest is “I am comfortable asking my teacher for help/I feel good asking my teacher for help”
- 3rd – 5th grade students took this survey in class
- Parent Survey
- 142 responses from K-5 parents at Cascade Ridge
- Probably about half of the families at our school
- Need to think more about how to create opportunities for students to collaborate with peers and how to support students’ social/emotional needs
- Give kids more time to collaborate/connect with students
- Teachers share ideas with each other what they are doing to help students collaborate and connect
- Clubs and Lunch Bunch have helped
- More clubs would be helpful
- Time at the start of the day to connect with peers – Breakout rooms for students to chat and share with each other
- One teacher offering girls lunch and boys lunch
- Could try Lunchtime Zoom that paras supervise
- Maybe allow students to request they be sent to breakout rooms to chat with friends
- Could include some kind of activity/recess/movement
- Could use the list specialists created
- Lunches may require some coordination with Coyote Club to include students who are in that program during the day
- 142 responses from K-5 parents at Cascade Ridge
- Data from surveys will be used as part of School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- If we had been in a traditional school year, this year’s focus would have been literacy
- SIP is usually based on SBA data
- We are still monitoring academic progress even though it is not the official goal
- School Improvement Plan (SIP) focused on student engagement
- School Board decided this year the SIP focus is on student engagement
- Will be reviewed and revised by Leadership Team and staff members
- Includes how Cascade Ridge is academically and socially/emotionally engaging and supporting students, how we are monitoring engagement, and how we are creating access to technology for students
- How will services and clubs be affected when students return to the building?
- Clubs will not be affected because they are after school – Will remain over Zoom
- PBSES coach and counselor lessons may occur asynchronously but they will continue to teach lessons and be available to support students
- How is art being taught/is art being taught?
- Teacher-dependent
- Some teachers sent home materials for class art projects
- New art teacher-on-special-assignment (TOSA) for the district who is developing curriculum and putting together art projects that families will be able to access
- Link to projects will go on PTSA website
- Link will also go in E-News
- Student Engagement Survey
- In-person/Remote Student Equitable Experiences
Next meeting March 1st at 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 2, 2020
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, November 2, 2020 4:00pm
Sue Ducharme, Marilyn Jochim, Tammie Kourtis, Kate McConnell, Raelyn McKnight, Jennifer Sehlin, Sandra Vanderzee, Ava Bernard, Loretta Brownlee, Rebecca Duffy, Qibo Fan, Pamela Kortrey, Navreen Malik
Site Council Overview - Sandra Vanderzee
Site councils are established at each school to collaborate with the principal on how to advance student learning through strong shared planning, communication and problem solving.
Site Council provides a forum for the principal, staff and parents to discuss concerns and events that affect student learning. Site Council’s job is to enhance student learning by supporting the school’s Continuous Improvement Plan and also work on updating school rules and other matters that affect the learning environment at Cascade Ridge.
Site Council includes the principal, staff, parents and community representatives. An annual meeting calendar is established at the beginning of the year and is published on the Cascade Ridge Website. All parents and community members are welcome to attend.
Principal’s Report: Jennifer Sehlin
Ways to make school better – Curriculum, planning for K-1 return
Staff Reports
Kindergarten is doing great with remote learning. The parents have been wonderful and so supportive. Kids are learning and making progress.
In reading we are enjoying read alouds as a whole group focusing on common core comprehension goals and then we meet in ability leveled small groups working on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension.
We are working on narrative writing and learning how to write during remote learning, we meet as a whole group do a mini lesson and then kids choose to keep cameras on or off as we confer one on one with students and encourage other students to listen in to tips and goals we are setting with kids we confer with.
We are just finishing up our first math unit on numbers and moving on to geometry and shapes next.
We are also just finishing up teaching second step lessons for social studies and our District Social studies lessons. We will move on to health for November and December and then Science in the New Year. When kids are not meeting with us in large groups or small groups they are using a choice board on Seesaw to complete activities.
1st Grade:
We are having so much fun getting to know our kiddos! The students came in at the start of the year ready to learn and make new friends, even in these unique circumstances. Each morning we spend time connecting over zoom with daily sharing.
We have been going through Second Step lessons on how to be a good listener, and how to understand other people’s emotions.
In reading, we are working on making connections to stories and picking out the key details in a text (setting, characters and main events). We are also doing small groups daily.
In math, we are working through Module 1, in which the students are learning strategies about how to add and subtract up to 20. The first graders are using visual models, as well as showing their work with number sentences and words. They are doing an amazing job solving word problems! They are also discovering the relationship between addition and subtraction.
In writing, the students are working on writing their Small Moment stories. They have written stories about their summer, when they lost their first tooth, their adventures in fall, and more! It has been so fun to watch them grow into expressive and eager writers.
In social studies, we learned all about families and how they are all different and special.
Lastly, we had so much fun having a virtual Harvest party! The kids dressed up, we did an art project, games and festive academic activities!
2nd Grade:
For social emotional learning, we are working on empathy, compassion, and accepting that others have different preferences. We have been putting an emphasis on lots of kid sharing and connection time on Zoom for class meetings to build community.
In reading, students are working on visualizing to enjoy and help us understand texts. We are also doing small reading groups daily.
In writing, we are working through small moment Narratives. Our focus is on zooming in and stretching out small seed ideas with character thinking, talking and lots of descriptive details. We also have small group work for writing.
In math, we are learning place value, showing number line hops with ones, tens, hundreds. This unit we are focusing heavily on vocab: expanded form, unit form, word form. Each day we work on problem solving-showing our thinking, using a number sentence, statement answer and a drawing.
Lastly, for Social Studies this first unit is all about citizenship, community, and levels of government.
3rd Grade:
All the students continue to be very engaged during our class instructional time. It is so encouraging seeing such an enthusiastic group of learners every day! During reading groups, students have the opportunity to discuss and apply strategies and skills they are learning in the classroom in a small setting. We have been working on making inferences supported with clues from the text. Also, we continue to identify themes in books, recognize character traits, and study plot elements to help summarize the stories we read. During independent time, students should be reading their “good fit” books, either with a physical book or using one of the on-line apps. This trimester students learned the components of narrative writing. We are currently revising our personal narrative stories. Students will soon be sharing their completed small moment story with their classmates. Part of the process of writing a narrative small moment story was learning how to create an interesting lead, bring life to the characters through dialogue, develop the heart of the story, and learn when to begin a new paragraph. Third graders are currently learning about units of measurement and then use place value understandings and the number line as tools to round two, three, and four digit measurements to the nearest ten or hundred. In social studies, students will be reading a biography of their choosing to learn about a notable American. The aim is to look at how specific notable Americans shaped history. This unit bridges the ideas we have been studying of worldwide cultural universals and culture in North American.
4th Grade:
4th Grade is doing great. Whole remote learning continues to be a challenge, we are so proud of our kiddos for their perseverance and positive attitudes. We are getting through the curriculum and are on track with the district’s outline. We thoroughly enjoyed our Halloween parties, and are looking forward to the month to come. We are especially excited to welcome Tara Pomerleau to our team as Madyson Evans’ long-term sub! She is amazing and will be a great fit for her class!
Science Tech:
We have been working hard on math, reading, writing, social studies, and SEL. In writing, we have been writing personal narrative, small moment stories. In reading, we’ve been picking out just right books and talking about comprehension and fluency strategies. In math, we’ve been working hard on the first two modules of Eureka. In social studies, we’ve been learning about the indigenous peoples of North America and what happened when European explorers and settlers arrived in the Americas. We have been examining the perspectives of multiple groups who were present as North America was being colonized. In SEL, we’ve been covering empathy, respect, worrying, being assertive, listening attentively, and friendship issues. Additionally, we have been doing some science lessons about the biotic and abiotic parts of the ecosystem around us here in the Pacific Northwest. We have also been taking part in some virtual field trip/guest speaker lessons by King County Gov. and Islandwood/Brightwater Wastewater Centers. We’ve been learning about our local water systems, wastewater, storm water, and done some engineering challenges as environmental engineers. We have also been practicing lots of technology tools with virtual learning and we are going to begin some activities centered around computer science and robotics.
5th Grade:
Math: We’ve started Module 2 and our focus in these early lessons is the distributive property of multiplication. Soon, we will be multiplying using the standard algorithm. We’ll start multiplying with whole numbers, then we’ll be transferring our multiplying skills to problems with decimals. This week, the kids started to work in a new to us online program called i-Ready. This is a cool tool because it provides kids with math lessons that are targeted to what they need as math people.
Social Studies: Since we’ve finished up Unit 1, we’ve taken the opportunity to learn a little bit about our government. We’ve learned about the three branches of government, Checks and Balances, voting and elections, plus we’ve learned about the Electoral College. Our next until will focus on the American Revolution.
Reading: We practiced using text features to help our comprehension and to determine a nonfiction text’s main idea. We also learned how to annotate a nonfiction text to record our thinking as we read.
Writing: We used a short story mentor text to find writing moves that we want to try in our own writing. Students completed their second personal narratives this week.
Social Emotional Learning: We have discussed bystander behavior and how to stand up for ourselves and others.
- Paras inventoried and updated the supplies in the red emergency backpacks in each classroom. New evacuation maps were stapled by the door in each class.
- Paras are helping with Great Kids by transcribing the teacher's words on the Great Kid cards and preparing the envelopes for mailing each week.
- Preparing the materials and putting them in the bags for the monthly materials distribution. Greeting families and giving them their bags in the drive through pick-up on distribution day.
- Working with Ms. Moore to prepare and distribute library books on a weekly basis.
- Zooming daily to support teachers in classrooms.
- Preparing materials for teachers as needed, copying, laminating etc.
- Paras are keeping very busy!!!
Tammie-Support Staff
PTSA Report: Sandra Vanderzee
- Coyote Challenge and online contests were successful
- Coyote wear is currently being sold till November 10th
- Book Fair moved to the spring, possible fundraiser in 2021
- Reflections deadline is November 2nd and Holiday Gift Barn is gift card only.
- Picture day will be November 16th and 17th outside
- Added FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Committee to PTSA- still need a few more members.
- Update on Winter Programs & Events:
- PTSA General Membership Meeting – Thursday, January 7th 6:30 pm
- Virtual Talent Show January 19th
- Parent wiser meeting about stress and anxiety January 13th 2:00 pm
New Business:
Equity and Inclusive practices
Caprice Hollins training – Micro (toward one person) and macro (toward whole race) aggressions, bias, responding to racial slurs
Training with Sharon Roy – How to talk with students about race
Survey results-Jennifer Sehlin
Remote learning positives
- Standard schedule
- Flexibility
- One platform
- Teachers, partnership
- Too much downtime
- Limited socialization
- Independent time – Too much
- Want more homework
- Specialists – Don’t work
- Lack of motivation
- Too much screen time
- Hard on/off Zoom
Questions for Staff
- One-on-one time
- Feedback on assignments
- Questions about safe return
Tons of positive staff comments
- Inclusivity/Equity
- Differentiation so all can feel included
- Bring out more quiet voices
- School is in a bubble – Similar socio-economic statues
- Celebrate diversity in classrooms
Share out Inclusive Practices ideas
- Sandra – Virtual bulletin board for monthly art projects on different tings our families celebrate
- Padlet of pictures
- Bulletin board – Art projects classroom teachers can use
- Foster community through FACE (Family and Community Engagement)
- Ways to help families connect – Smaller groups
- PTSA or Site Council figure out ways for connection – point
- Sandra – Zoom monthly chat connection
- We Chat
- Grade-specific Zoom – Family connection
- Virtual bulletin board – Leave message for one another – Causes people to go look for art, etc.
Next meeting January 11, 2021 4:00 pm
Mar. 2, 2020
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, March 2, 2020 4pm MINUTES
Call to Order:
Welcome: Introductions
- Special Guest Wenli Mithal, Family Partnership Liaison
- School Administrators – Tia Kleinkopf (Principal)
- Staff Members –Tammie Kourtis, staff, Sue Ducharme staff, Raelyn McKnight (Primary rep), Demetra Trull (Intermediate Rep)
- Parent/Community Members –Qibo Fan
- PTSA Rep – Paula Koransky (EVP)
Special Presentation by Wenli Mithal
Language is a big barrier in families and they especially need translated documents. There will be a FACE meeting on April 22 to understand the issues and create a task force to invite parents to participate. The task force will be consist of any PTSA members. Lorna will send out the information and Tia will provide Lorna’s contact information to Paula. New family members meet with Wenli once every other month in different languages to share experiences. Suggestion for the new Family Coordinator to attend future FACE meetings.
Reading and Approval of Minutes: January 6, 2020
- Demetra moved to approve and Tia seconded.
Principal’s Report: Tia Kleinkopf
- 2nd graders CogAT testing has been completed and Iowa testing to occur (March 10-13)
- SBA will start in May. Teachers will prepare students with practice tests in April. E-news will also have information on how to prepare students. On March 19 Tia will present to the Board on reading and will then present to the Site Council.
- Coronavirus update: Tia gets direction from ISD who gets their info from Seattle Public Health. The school is undergoing even more cleaning than it normally does. If individuals hear of concerns from parents they should be referred to the CDC and Public Health. If students are kept home over coronavirus their absence will be excused. Teachers are not required to provide students with work and students will get caught up once they return.
Staff Report:
Raelyn- K-2
Kindergarten is doing very well!
- Math: In math, we are working on unit 4 which is all about number bonds.
- Writing: In writing, we are in our information books with a focus on how to books.
- Science: In science, we are learning all about rainforest plants, animals, pushes and pulls, and human impact.
- Social studies: In social studies we are continuing our study of rules.
1st Grade
1st grade is doing well, and we are excited to have our Toymaker inhouse field trip on Wednesday.
- Reading: In reading we are learning all about text features in nonfiction books.
- Writing: We are finishing up our unit on Information “teaching” books, and will be moving into our next nonfiction writing unit, Opinion.
- Math: In math we have completed our second module all on adding and subtracting within 20, and we have moved into Module 3: Measurement and Shapes.
- Science: We are in the middle of our unit on motion and magnets.
- Social Emotional Learning: We are working on how to identify our own emotions and how to handle them, as well as empathy.
2nd Grade:
- Writing -In writing we are finishing our Informational books and will give an assessment next week.
- Math – In math we are finishing up Unit 5 in math and will have a test next week, we also have a strong emphasis on problem solving.
- Reading: We are still F & P testing and practicing wondering.
- Social Studies- We have started Unit 2: Community Economics and are creating our community frieze.
- Social Emotional Learning- We are learning about problem solving.
Demetra- 3-5
5th Grade:
Reading-We are kicking off our next reading unit: Fantasy. Students will be participating in book clubs while we learn about the different elements of the fantasy genre. Writing-We are writing our second argument essay. Students picked a topic that they debated in our previous reading unit. Social Studies-we are in the middle of Unit 2 but we are pushing pause to complete our next Science Unit to be done in time for the science fair. Science-We began a new engineering science unit. Students are working in groups of three tackling different tasks/problem solving. In the end, they will create a science fair project showing the results of their work.
4th Grade:
We are as busy as ever. We are currently on our 3rd unit in Social Studies, and are enjoying learning about Washington and its history. We are working hard to learn more about fractions in math, and will soon be ready to move into decimals. We will also be starting our prep work for the SBA testing in May. In writing, we have just completed our unit on literary essays, and our students will now be using different text structure, graphic organizers to take notes, synthesize the information, and to develop their historical information book. They are all very excited. Finally, in science we are learn about how wind, water, and ice change our earth’s surfaces.
3rd Grade:
Science: We just finished studying rocks and minerals. We ended the unit with a Kate Poster science lab on fossils. We also conducted a geology lab where students did mineral tests on 6 mystery minerals to find out their identity. They were able to keep the pieces of the 6 different minerals they discovered. Social Studies: We are studying cultures of North America. Reading and Writing: We are covering the elements of nonfiction books. Students rereading and learning about text features and text structures that they will incorporate into their writing pieces. Excited to have F and P testing completed, and using the new information to plan/structure guided reading instruction.
Sue- Paras
Nothing to report
Tammie—Support staff
Nothing to report
PTSA Report: Paula Koransky
- Re-Cap off Eager Reader, Talent Show, S.T.E.A.M Night, Spelling Bee – new format went well. There were many no-shows in 4th and 5th grades. The individual running the event had some good suggestions on how to improve for next year.
- Staff Appreciation Lunches, CPR Class – 18-20 people attended and will repeat it again
- Update on Upcoming Program Events:
- Popcorn Fridays March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st , June 5th
- Staff Appreciation Lunch - March 12th – will be cancelled
- Science Fair - March 17th - Registration Deadline is March 6th
- Lunch for the Break over Spring Break
Share out Inclusive Practices ideas, examples
February Staff Appreciation Lunch-Around the World with Cascade Ridge
Will take Wenli’s suggestions back to PTSA
New Business:
- Community Questions-No questions
Next meeting May 4, 2020
Jan. 6, 2020
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, January 6, 2020 4pm MINUTES
Call to Order:
Welcome: Introductions
- School Administrators – Tia Kleinkopf (Principal), Kate McConnell (Dean of Students)
- Staff Members –Tammie Kourtis, staff, Sue Ducharme staff, Raelyn McKnight (Primary rep), Demetra Trull (Intermediate Rep), Pat Corra
- Parent/Community Members –Matt Gehmen, Qibo Fan
- PTSA Rep – Paula Koransky (EVP)
Reading and Approval of Minutes: November 4, 2019
Principal’s Report: Tia Kleinkopf
- (SIP) School Improvement Plan will be presented in May. This year’s SIP is focused on reading. It has been on writing the past 3 years. The plan is complete on our end, but we are waiting for it to be updated in the system.
- Testing season begins next week
Pat Corra: LAP Presentation
- Pat presented the Cascade Ridge Title I/LAP Building Plan for 2019-20
Staff Report:
Kindergarten update:
It is all about snow, ice, hot chocolate, and polar lands!
- Reading: Kindergarteners are about to dive into comparing and contrasting fiction and nonfiction. The wonderful kindergarten teachers are going to share stories like the Snowy Day and The Mitten and compare them to nonfiction texts about snow, ice, polar bears. Etc.
- Writing: Kindergarten is working on their second narrative unit.
- Science: Kindergarten is starting their unit on studying polar areas. They will be learning about the animals and plants and changes that occur in this habitat. They will also be studying and experimenting with solids, liquids and gases as well as pushes and pulls as they incorporate ice and hot cocoa into their unit to go along with the “polar theme.”
- Math: Kindergarten is learning all about measurement and shapes.
- Purposeful Play: Kindergarten is setting up their ice skating rink, and hot cocoa stand to go along with their science unit.
- Social: The focus this month is about personal space.
First Grade Update:
We ended the year celebrating holidays around the world! We took a trip around the globe to see, learn and experience other traditions. We tried new foods, played games and watched videos that depict the array of celebrations.
- Reading: First grade is finishing up retelling stories and we will be moving into our nonfiction unit to go along with writing where we will be studying text features of nonfiction text.
- Writing: First grade finished their last unit with a focus on fiction writing and now are beginning All About Books. They are comparing the difference between non-fiction and fiction text, and how authors of each use their voice for different purposes.
- Math: In math first grade is working on adding and subtracting within 20.
- Science and Social Studies: First grade just finished their unit on comparing living and nonliving things and the study of the Five Kingdoms of Living Things. They are now moving into the Social Studies Unit called “Our World” as they travel around using Google Earth to see how other parts of the world look and live.
- Social: With our second step curriculum, they are focusing on empathy and understanding other people’s feelings.
Second Grade Update:
- Reading: In reading, second grade is working on inferring.
- Writing: Second grade just finished up their narrative unit and they are moving into their information stories.
- Math: In math, second grade is working on regrouping when adding and subtracting three digit numbers.
- Science and Social Studies: Right before break second grade had an amazing time with science to go as they learned and created different ecosystems. Second grade is now starting their science unit on agricultural engineering and pollination.
Intermediate Grades Updates:
5th Grade:
We have been working on multiplying and dividing. We are half way through our first module on fractions. In reading, we just did a quick unit on graphic novels. In January, we’ll be focusing on argument writing and it will go hand in hand with our reading unit of the same topic. Social studies will focus on the America Revolution. In science we’ve been learning about force and motion. We’ll work on electricity in January. Our music concert is at the end of the month.
4th Grade:
We have just completed our opinion writing unit, and will start working on our Literary Essays in January. With the New Year also comes a new Math module. We have completed modules 1-3, and will start module 5 in January. We skip Module 4, and come back to it towards the end of the year. In reading, we will be starting to look at non-fiction texts to get us ready for our informational unit in late February. We had an amazing Cultural Celebration in December! The students did some fabulous presentations and brought a lot of delicious food to share! It was a huge success!
3rd Grade:
Third grade has been learning about geography, people, and cultures. The students enjoy using the Google Expeditions (virtual reality devices) to explore parks, landmarks and festivals of cultures around the world. We are busy learning multiplication facts 0-9, and continue working on multiplication and division concepts in math. In January we will be studying rocks and minerals in science, and opinion writing in language arts. Students will learn how to write a bold thesis statement about one of their own personal opinions and support their claim with evidence. Also, in reading, students are learning how to find evidence to support their thinking and improve overall comprehension. We are looking forward to our next field trip to Seattle Children’s Theater to watch an adaption of the fairy tale Snow White.
Tammie-Support Staff
PTSA Report: Paula Koransky
Share out Inclusive Practices ideas, examples
- Book Fair, Silent Auction, Reflections, and Holiday Gift Barn were successful.
- Had to cancel Popup Arts and Crafts Show due to space conflict.
- New format for Spelling Bee this year. To be held in each class with top kids moving forward to one night of Spelling Bee.
- No Geography Bee this year. Could not find chair.
- Adding FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Committee to PTSA
- Update on Winter Programs & Events:
- Parent Social January 9th - 7pm at Hops and Drops
- Talk with Tia/PTSA General Membership Meeting - January 10th
- Popcorn Friday - January 10th, February 7th
- Eager Reader starts January 13th (ends February 9th)
- Staff Appreciation Lunch - January 14th
- Talent Show - January 21st
- S.T.E.A.M Night (Engineering Night and Art Walk) - January 30th
- Spelling Bee - TBD
- CPR Class - February 25th 6-8:30pm
- Tia suggested we invite Wenli Mithal, our Family Partnership Liaison, to our next meeting. Wendi welcomes new families, helps with questions and needs and spends extra time with kids coming from other school systems. Tia will reach out to her.
- Paula will follow-up on status of adding a FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Committee to the PTSA and report back at next meeting.
- Staff Appreciation Committee hosting International Potluck in February. Theme is “Around the world with Cascade Ridge”. All families invited to contribute dishes that are special to them, their culture, or places they have lived or visited.
- Working hard supporting students and teachers. We currently have 15 para-professionals with one open position to make a total of 16.
- Reminder-if you receive an autodialed message from school, please listen to it first before calling the office. Also, please check the website and e-mail about inclement weather before calling.
New Business:
- No Community Questions
Next meeting March 2, 2020
Nov. 4, 2019
Cascade Ridge Elementary Monday, November 4, 2019 4pm MINUTES
Call to Order:
Welcome: Introductions
- School Administrator – Kate McConnell (Dean of Students)
- Staff Members – Sue Ducharme staff, Raelyn McKnight (Primary rep) Demetra Trull (Intermediate Rep)
- Parent/Community Member - Qibo Fan
- PTSA Rep – Paula Koransky (EVP)
Not in Attendance:
- Tia Kleinkopf, Principal
- Tammi Courts, Staff
- Matt Gehman, Parent
Site Council Training: Paula shared the role of a school site council. Discussed the need for a couple more parent/community members.
Approval of Minute: We will rotate the responsibility of taking minutes this year. Minutes will be sent out via e-mail for approval and then posted to website.
Staff Report:
Raelyn- K-2
Kindergarten Update:
In science we just finished off our farm unit. We had a blast at the fabulous pumpkin patch (even in the rain). Next, we will be adventuring into our forest unit.
In math, we are wrapping up Unit 1, which is all about learning numbers and counting.
The kindergarteners have also been hard at work in their launching writing unit, which is all about learning how to be an independent writer. Next the kindergarteners will take the role as the teacher as they head into nonfiction writing.
In reading, the students are learning about how books can be fun but they can also connect to the world around us! They have been reading stories that are integrated with the science and social studies curriculums.
The kindergarteners have had a lovely start to the year, and are building the skills for lifelong success through the teachings of the Second Step curriculum.
First Grade Update:
We are having such a blast in first grade! The students came in at the start of the year ready to learn and they were excited to form new friendships. We have been going through Second Step lessons on how to be a good listener, and how to understand other people’s emotions.
In math, we are working through Module 1, in which the students are learning strategies about how to add and subtract up to 20. The first graders are using visual models, as well as showing their work with number sentences and words. They are doing an amazing job solving word problems!
In writing the students are publishing their Small Moment stories. They have written stories about their summer, when they lost their first tooth, their adventures on Halloween, and more! It has been so fun to watch them grow into expressive and eager writers.
In science and social studies, we learned all about families and how they are all different and special. Then we launched into our unit on the Sun, Moon and Stars. The students learned all about the phases of the moon, how we have night and day and the characteristics of the sun, moon and stars.
Second Grade Update:
We have had a wonderful start to the year! We have been busy at work, and loving every minute. The students are learning about how to be problem solvers through the Second Step curriculum.
In writing, we are wrapping up our Small Moments unit. These second grade authors are writing descriptive and entertaining books about their own lives.
In social studies, we are learning all about communities. The students are understanding what it means to be a good citizen.
In math we just completed Module 3, which is focused on adding and subtracting to 1000.
Lastly, in reading the students are working on visualizing. We are reading many descriptive poems and having the students paint a vivid picture in their minds.
Demetra- 3-5
Grade Level Updates for Grades 3-5
5th Grade:
We are cruising our way through math. We’ve finished module 1 which was all about place value and having strong number sense. We’re about half way done with Module 2 and we’ve been focusing on multiplication with whole numbers. Now we’re shifting focus to multiplying with decimals.
In reading, we had great success with book clubs in realistic fiction. Our focus is shifting to non fiction and we’re starting word study.
Science-we’ve wrapped our unit on Energy and now we’re taking a break from science to focus on social studies.
Social Studies—Just started our first unit which is on indigenous people, encounter (with Europeans), and colonization.
This fall we’ve had drama (thanks PTSA!) and Smart With Art, we’ve done Second Step lessons. Lots going on, but we’re good.
4th Grade:
We have been busy digging deeply into the curriculum in all areas. We will soon be completing our first writing unit, which is narrative. The students have written 2 realistic fiction stories, and will soon be working hard on opinion writing.
In Math, we continue Module 3, and the students and families are appreciative of our flipped Math classrooms.
We have also completed our first unit in Science and currently working on Social Studies, learning about the Indigenous People who first lived in our state of Washington. We enjoyed a hands-on, and engaging visit from the Burke Museum.
We all thoroughly enjoyed our first field trip to Studio East Storybook Theater where we got to see Seussical the Musical. It was a fabulous and entertaining production. Our year is off to a great start.
3rd Grade:
In science we just completed our salmon unit and enjoyed a wonderful field trip to Ballard Locks to view the spawning salmon.
We are starting a new social studies unit that will incorporate using the Google Expeditions (virtual reality devices) to learn about different cultures and places.
This fall our students are loving Drama and Smart with Art classes sponsored by PTSA.
In writing, we just completed small moment narrative stories. We will begin publishing them in computer lab where the students can practice their keyboarding skills.
We just completed the first part of Module 2 in math. Now we are working on place value skills.
In reading we are doing small group guided instruction based on students’ needs and reading levels.
The state has mandated 28 hours of training called The Fundamental Course of Study. They are funding 14 hours this year and, hopefully, a further 14 hours next year. We completed 7 hours in August: Supporting a safe and positive learning environment and behavior management. And 7 hours in October: Instructional support, collecting data and assisting classroom teachers.
Some of our paras were part of a pilot program and completed the entire 28 hours last school year.
Principal’s Report: Kate McConnell (covering for Tia this month)
- (SIP) School Improvement Plan will focus on reading again this year. Date collection in process.
- Kindergarten CogAT is tomorrow. Screening for highly capable.
- Veteran’s Day assembly Friday, November 8th.
- Kindess Week 11/12-15. Actives are planned for each day and kindness coins will be distributed.
- School Conferences December 4-5. Scheduling is live.
- Green Team has been trained and started working.
- Green Schools Assembly January 29th.
- 4th Grade is creating an Earth Day Everyday Club.
PTSA Report: Paula Koransky
- Re-Cap of October PTSA General Membership Meeting - New Board Members, Fall Fund Raiser, Movie Night, Hospitality, Staff Appreciation, PTSA Membership Update, PTSA 2019-2020 budget approved
- Upcoming PTSA Programs & Events
- Book Fair/PTSA Auction 11/5-11/7
- Reflections Reception 11/6
- Kindness Week 11/12-11/15
- Staff Appreciation Lunch 11/14
- Vision and Hearing Testing 11/15
- Holiday Gift Barn 11/18–11/27
- Pop up Arts and Crafts Shop 12/11
- Staff Appreciation Holiday Coffee & Tea Bar 12/13
New Business:
- No community questions at this time.
- Ideas of Areas of focus for 2019-2020 Site Council
- In the past we have focused on Kindness, Growth Mindset and Cultural Competency.
- This year we would like to add Inclusive Practices.
- Site Council members to bring ideas to next meeting.