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This section of the Annual Report for the 2022-2023 school year provides a snapshot of the district's finances and factors that affect our budget. For a complete report including a line-by-line operations budget, please visit the Finance webpage.  

Where the Money Goes

The Issaquah School District is the second largest employer in Issaquah with more than 2,900 full-time and part-time staff members (this excludes several hundred substitute employees). These employees include 1,250 teachers, 350 paraprofessionals, 135 bus drivers, 70 Food Service workers, 185 office/support staff, 140 custodial/maintenance personnel, and other administrative and support staff.  

Our district’s budget is represented by seven distinct cost centers. These cost centers encompass all the above staff and help to present a visual picture of the district and its many programs and services. These cost centers are defined as follows: