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Counselor's Corner: Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit


Second Step Bully Prevention Unit with Ms. Carla

Dear Coyote Community,

Recently, we welcomed Taproot theater for their annual performance called “THE FRIEND SHIP” where students learned about how we show kindness to others and recognize, report and refuse bullying. This is a wonderful way to introduce our annual bullying prevention lessons. As you know, your child’s teacher uses the Second Step Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program in their classroom. I use the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit to teach students how to keep our school safe and respectful. I will teach this unit to each grade level throughout this school year.

In these lessons, students will learn how to:

Recognize when bullying is happening
Report bullying to a caring adult and Refuse to let bullying happen to themselves or others
• Be a bystander who stands up and is part of the solution to bullying
• Show kindness to everyone

In addition, each lesson comes with a “Home Link”, which are simple, fun activities that will help you understand what your child is learning about bullying at school. They also give your child another chance to practice skills for handling bullying. Click below to access your child’s grade level home links:

·         Kindergarten Home Links - For more, go to with activation key BPUK FAMI LY00
·         1st Grade Home Links - For more, go to with activation key BPU1 FAMI LY01
·         2nd Grade Home Links - For more, go to with activation key BPU2 FAMI LY02
·         3rd Grade Home Links - For more, go to with activation key BPU3 FAMI LY03
·         4th Grade Home LinksFor more, go to with activation key BPU4 FAMI LY04
·         5th Grade Home Links – For more, go to with activation key BPU5 FAMI LY05

For bullying prevention to work, everyone at school needs to be involved; so, our staff strives to:

• Recognize and respond to bullying
• Support children who have been bullied
• Correct behaviors of children who are bullying
• Use strategies that support a positive school and classroom climate

And we need your help, too! Get involved in making our school a safe and respectful place by letting us know if you hear about bullying at our school. Make sure your child knows to tell you or someone at school if they are being bullied. Help your child understand the difference between mean/rude behavior, a conflict, and bullying. Additionally, give your child the clear message that it is never okay to bully others.

You can find more information about the ISD Bully Prevention policy on the district website here: Prohibition Against Harassment Intimidation and Bullying. If you have any questions about the Bullying Prevention Unit or the Second Step program, please contact me. Thank you for helping us make our school a safe and respectful place where everyone can learn.


Ms. Carla (she/her)
Carla Geraci, M.Ed.
School Counselor -  Cascade Ridge Elementary
(425) 837-5556


  • Counselor's Corner 11.21.24