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Community Learning Night!

Students smile while working on worksheet

Families were invited to come learn with Cascade Ridge staff and teachers the importance of PLAY at Community Learning Night open house, February 8.

All grade levels were welcome. The goal of the evening was to find the connection points between math, growth mindset and life skills… through PLAY.  It was highlighted with intentional strategies adults can make to support student success. There were different areas set up in the Café and Gym where families could explore learning through playing games, mind teasers/puzzles, dramatic play, technology, STEM projects and more.

It was an amazing night!


students sit at table and look through paper


Students grab supplies


Students use "Bee-Bots" on gym floor


Students work on puzzles at table


Students collaborate on puzzle with community members


Students sort through legos


Student and teacher smile while working at block station


Student and teacher look at cards


"Resource Table" with lots of books on it


Students play board game "Candyland"
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