Parking & Traffic Safety
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Please remember, students are not to arrive at school prior to 9:00am unless they are participating in a designated before-school program.
- Students who walk to school must use one of three supervised crosswalks.
- Prior to entering the parking lot, please be prepared for your child(ren) to quickly exit the vehicle once you have come to a complete stop in the drop off lane. Do not enter the drop-off lane if students are not ready to exit the vehicle. Instead, circle around again, and enter the lane once they are ready.
- Vehicles entering the parking lot should proceed to the drop-off lane and pull all the way forward(at a safe speed) to line up directly behind the car in front.
- Once you have pulled as far forward as possible, students unbuckle and quickly exit the vehicle on the sidewalk side only. As you drive through the parking lot, watch for pedestrians and do not block the crosswalk.
- The passing lane to the left of the drop-off lane, can only be used for vehicles circling around or exiting the parking lot. It is unsafe for vehicles to enter the drop-off lane from this point by cutting in front of others already in line.
- Students should not be dropped off at any other location within the parking lot except in the designated drop-off lane. For example, students should not be dropped off in or near the designated accessible parking spaces to then use the crosswalk. This is unsafe and causes congestion in the parking lot.
- While in the drop-off lane, drivers should not open the driver-side doors or get out of their vehicle to assist students. This causes a delay for others. If your children need additional help exiting the vehicle, please park in an appropriate location and walk them to the building.
- Once dropped off, students are to walk down the pathways on either side of the building to their assigned line-up location at the back of the school.
- Vehicles cannot be left unattended, for any reason, in the drop-off lane from 9:00–9:20 a.m. or 3:30–4:00 p.m.
- Drivers can pull out of the drop-off lane or continue with the line of cars and exit the parking lot by turning right ONLY during arrival and dismissal times. For an easy turn-around (if you needed to turn left), after turning right out of the school parking lot, turn left on SE Belvedere Way (at the second “Preswick” entrance), left on 266th Way SE, and follow around to Trossachs Blvd. at which point you can turn right. (See the map below for route information.) PLEASE DO NOT USE CONDOS in STERLING SQUARE TO TURN AROUND.
- Parents are welcome to walk their children to the perimeter gates and say their goodbyes. Students then walk themselves to their class lines. If parents are volunteering at that time, they must check in at the front office.
- All bicycle, scooter or skateboard riders must wear safety helmets.
- Kindergarten through second grade students are strongly recommended to be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian/caretaker.
- Scooters or skateboards are not able to be kept in the building and always put on the bike racks or inside the school fences.
- Bicycles, scooters or skateboards are to be walked when on school property.
- When riding on the public sidewalk and before reaching the school grounds, be aware that walkers have the right-of- way.
- Stay to the right, use hand signals when making turns and follow the rules of the road.
Suggested Guidelines for safety:
Students who ride bikes, scooters, or skateboards to school from the north end (Glencoe, Preswick, and other neighborhoods north) are encouraged to:
- Cross to the west sidewalk (opposite the school) at the Sterling Square crosswalk and ride bicycles, scooters or skateboards on the sidewalk. If you are on a bike, you can use the designated bike lane. Proceed to the main crosswalk and cross with the adult crossing guard and Safety Patrol members (at the south end of the school.) Walk bicycles, scooters or skateboards at the start of the school campus.
- If you choose to come to school via the east sidewalk (closest to school), students are encouraged to walk their bike, scooter or skateboard all the way from the crosswalk at the Glencoe (this includes students who are in K-2 and supervised by their parent/guardian/caretaker.) If students do choose to ride their bicycle, scooter or skateboard, we ask that caution is used due to the large number of people traveling by foot in this area.
Students going home will follow the same options.
- Cross at the main crosswalk with the adult crossing guard and Safety Patrol Members to the west sidewalk (opposite the school) and ride north to all neighborhoods.
- If you choose to use the east sidewalk (closest to the school), bikes, skateboards or scooters should be walked (due to the large amount of people traveling by foot in this area) from the main crosswalk and all the way north until you reach the Glencoe crosswalk. This includes directly in front of the school.
- Bikes on the east side of the school going home may use the bike lane. Scooters or skateboards should not use the bike lane on either side, in either direction.
Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol
Fifth grade students may serve on the Student Safety Patrol. Members volunteer for shifts to help monitor students before and/or after school. Safety patrol is designed to give students a sense of worth, an opportunity for leadership and service, and a means to increase their independence and responsibility. If students aren’t able to work a shift during their assigned, they are required to find a substitute to take their place. The Safety Patrol Supervisor begins the school year with an informational meeting where students are clearly instructed on their role, procedures, and patrol expectations.
Please be aware and respectful of all Student Safety Patrol members in and around our parking lot areas.
Dean of Students, Michelle Moon, helping out with crossing duties!