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Middle School Transition

The transition to middle school can be exciting and intimidating for both students and parents.

I am here to support with any questions or concerns!

​Check your email and sign up for the middle school weekly bulletin to get all the info for incoming 6th graders.

You can also look at the school websites for more information.

Resources and information for families can be found in multiple languages at our
ISD Cultural and Family Partnerships Website

Beaver Lake Middle School

Beaver Lake Middle School Home Page

Important Course Request Information for 2024-2025

Important Dates for Registration and Information

  • February 12th: 5th grade student visits to Middle Schools  
  • February 12th 6:30-8:00pm: Parent Night at BLMS  
  • February 14th:  Course Request Process Open
  • February 29th :  Deadline for course requests entered into Skyward

Beaver Lake Middle School (BLMS)



Links to other Issaquah School District Middle Schools

Some Cascade Ridge students will other attend other Middle Schools in Issaquah. Not all Middle Schools will have the same dates for their student information sessions and back-to-school activities. Please refer to the Homepage of the Middle School you will attend for the most accurate information. Make sure to sign-up to receive your schools' weekly bulletin.

Pacific Cascade Middle School

Pine Lake Middle School

Cougar Mountain Middle School

Issaquah Middle School

Maywood Middle School

Worried about lockers?

Watch this video to practice using a  combination lock! One idea is to purchase a lock and practice over the summer.

There are no tardies those first few weeks and teachers will be available to help students with lockers.